Wednesday, December 3, 2014

American Thanksgiving

Auntie Becca came to visit for over the weekend to help us celebrate American Thanksgiving!  Sully had a great time playing with his Auntie!

This years bird...I still haven't figured out the secret to making these taste perfect!

ready to feast!

full bellies, full hearts!

as is tradition in our house - the evening after our Thanksgiving meal Sully opens a gift - filled with a pair of new Christmas PJ's and Christmas books

the morning after Thanksgiving we always eat cinnamon buns...

and then put up the Christmas tree!

Matt and Sully figuring out the wiring situation


the next morning we were off to church - how cute is this little man - Sully's Aunt & Uncle gave him this coat & pants for Christmas last year they still/finally fit - the ladies at church were swooning :)

back home from church and we had another special gift waiting for us from a good friend - a special book to help us celebrate the advent season AND a really cool talking/interactive card - Sully loved it!

that afternoon - the boys put up the outdoor lights - it was COLD (well BC cold) :)

For the finished look of the lights on the house you will have to come visit and check it out in real life  but let's just say you have never seen such perfectly spaced out Christmas lights :)

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