Monday, August 12, 2013

Master Sullivan - 9 months

9 months - this guy has officially been in the outside world for as long as he was in the inside world:)  Sully's most exciting news from the past month is that he is crawling!  He has been wanting to move for so long and finally he has figured it out and a whole world of discovery awaits him! 

In other news Sully's weight has finally plateaued a bit - he is still weighing in at 21lbs.  He continues to love to eat and is even enjoying new textures.  It's hard to eat anything without him wanting to share it with us!  

Sully is very chatty!  He says both mom and dad, but doesn't yet associate them with us.  We will often find him chatting away to his toys.

Sully continues to sleep well.  With two good naps during the day and one good 11-12 hour stretch at night...ohhh happy days!

Sully has been busy over the past month - going on a road trip through Alberta and Saskatchewan - swimming in the lakes - attending his special dedication ceremony - attending the Akre Reunion - play dates with friends  - jumping on a trampoline  & going to his first rodeo and fair - what a great month!

Love you Sullivan Richard!

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