Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Akre Reunion

The last weekend we were in Saskatchewan we travelled to Outlook for an Akre Family Reunion.  What a special time with family!  It's crazy to think of all of the people and families that have been created all because Grandma and Grandpa fell in love!

The Crew - 67 out of 76 I believe (and 2 more on the way!)

our little family

the original 7 - now all married with kids and grandkids of their own

It was a fun weekend...

playing horseshoes


eating - Akre's know how to eat - so much good food ALL weekend!

love these two!

lots of time to fellowship!

snuggles with Uncle Dan

Grandpa Akre was a John Deere man - so in his honor this tractor was parked at the end of the driveway the entire weekend

bonfires at night

On Sunday morning we had a church service of our own - Matt lead the family worship team

and Dan spoke - so fun to get to hear Dan speak - he has a gift!

Dan spoke about how so many times in the bible people would build an altar as a reminder of the good things that God had done for them.  We broke into small family groups and talked about all of the miracles and good things that our family as been blessed with and then we made an altar in remembrance of these things - very cool - we have much to be thankful for!

family laying down stones and telling stories of the good things that God has done!

our altar of stones

 One last thing to do before we left SK - take a picture with the beautiful canola field - there is so much beauty in a summer on the prairies!

What a treat to see most of the Akre family - I am thankful to get to be a member of such an awesome group of people.  It was neat of Saturday night some of the uncles and cousins put on a concert - I just sat back and watched - when family gets together there is such a force that binds them it's like no time as passed since they were together last - there is such fun and love in this family - all different generations enjoying being together - enjoying family! 

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