Friday, June 14, 2013

Master Sullivan - 7 months

This happy boy is 7 months old!

Weighing in at 19 lbs 2 oz!

This is my new favorite age:)  I am really enjoying Sully as he becomes more and more independent, but also still loves his mama & daddy!  Sully is now rolling both directions and is able to somehow wiggle/roll/pivot his way across the room - he is so very close to crawling!

Sully is sleeping well - even his naps...finally!!!  He is sleeping 12 hours a night (he sometimes still needs one quick feed somewhere in there).  He takes a lovely morning and afternoon nap - it is beautiful!

Sully is popping the teeth out - he is just working on his 6th one right now!

Eating is one of Sully's favorite parts of the day - he has liked everything except for plain bananas and peas but if you mix those two things with anything else he is game.

Sully enjoys a little rough housing - he likes to be thrown up in the air or "wrestled" on the floor - he is such a boy!  And giggles - oh does he giggle - deep from the belly giggles - it's the best noise ever!

Happy 7 Months Mr. Sully!

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