Monday, May 13, 2013

Master Sullivan - 6 months

Somebody is half a year old?!  CRAZY!!!  Sully is 6 months old this month - May - which is when we celebrate Victoria day - hence the cute little crown:)

Sully is now 18 lbs!  We started him on solids a couple of weeks ago and so far he has loved everything except peas - but really do we blame him?!

Sully is fully sitting up on his own and we think it's the cutest thing - makes him look like a little man.  He loves to stand and will do so independently if propped up against a piece of furniture!  He is very chatting and his "talking" is one of our favorite things to hear - he has a lot to share!  He also has two teeth now - the two bottom front - making his smile even more adorable!

6 months is a fun age - it seems like his little mind is always trying to figure things out.  He loves bright colorful toys and anything that makes a crinkle noise is like free entertainment!  Sul is also getting to the point where if he sees somehitng that he wants he will wiggle his way over to it.  You can sometimes see him using not only his hands to grab things but also his feet - babies are so flexible!   

And sleep...oh man - praise Jesus our boy has learned to nap!!!  It's crazy we didn't change anything, but just all of a sudden Sully started taking real naps - long naps!!!  It's WONDERFUL!!!  Some days are still not the best, but overall we can count on 2 long naps - somethings with a third short one at the end of the day for good measure.  Sully has always been a good night time sleeper and on the night of his 6 month birthday even sleep 12 1/2 hours without waking for a feed!  YAY!!!

Love this little guy!

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