Thursday, April 11, 2013

Master Sullivan - 5 months

Sully is 5 months old today - sooo we pulled out the Easter bunny outfit to celebrate!  Isn't he the cutest little bunny!  It's getting harder and harder to take pictures of this guy cause he is becoming quite the mover and shaker!  Sully is rolling both from his tummy to back and back to tummy although never all at once.  He is even rolling in his sleep (and waking himself up a bit disturbed - he forgets at night that he knows how to roll himself back to his back!).  Sully loves to stand with the help of anyone who loves him enough to hold him.  He is constantly kicking and even more so if you get him excited about something.  And his newest move we refer to as the superman - when we put him on his tummy he moves both his arms and legs as if he's swimming with only his belly touching the ground - very good work out...go try it!

This boy continues to eat and eat and eat!  He's back to 5 feedings a day brought on by popular demand - four feedings just wasn't cutting it - aka he was waking up at night thinking he needed more - I'm way better at day feedings than night ones!  Sully still feeds once during the night although we have had the rare occasion that he slept 12 hours straight through!

And those naps...we are now having only 3 naps for the most part and are working at making them just a bit longer :)

Other excitement for Sully this month included moving to a new house, celebrating his first Easter and visits from his Grams, Gramps & Grandma!

Happy 5 Months Sullivan Richard!

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