Sunday, November 28, 2010

and then there was Black Friday

Black Friday, the day after American Thanksgiving, is the biggest shopping day of the year in the states - in our house Black Friday is the beginning of all things Christmas! We started off Friday morning with cinnamon buns!

They were good, but not quite as good as our Auntie Cindi's!
Next on our Christmas list was put up the tree! Take a very close look at this cute little ordnament:)
Here are Becca and I fluffing the tree.
We had to take a Timmy's break for Becca - she had to get her fill in while she was in Canada.
This is evidence of Dan helping put up the tree - he put one very important ordanment on and then went to pick us all up coffee's.
More decorating
Our annual decorating picture

Putting the star on
Friday evening, after a CBC win, we came home and watched Elf.
Saturday morning we continued our Christmas prep with Christmas baking.
Sooo many cookies
We had to have some Roughrider cookies too - in honor of the Grey Cup.
Matt and Becca working hard.
Matt using his new piping set.
The finished product
Our prep is done and now we will sit back and enjoy. We love spending evenings sitting in front of the Christmas tree!


Jarl and Cindi Akre said...

Thanks for sharing Matt and Sarah. Your cin. buns look amazing. So proud of you! Love Auntie Cindi <3 said...

Found this through Beth's FB and I had to tell you that all of your gorgeous pictures of Christmas and snow and baking totally made my day. You guys are doing the falalala up way better then we did here last year! <3

Elizabeth Sandell said...

i want a Tim Horton. And you are a really good photographer. I would hire you...