Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 15, 2009

Today my first baby went to be with Jesus.

Baby (I don’t want to post his name on the internet so Baby he will be) was approx 1 year old and weighed 5 kg. He was at the babies home for just over a month. Annie called me in this morning to the clinic where he was staying to consult regarding his current state. By the time I had reached him he was already doing what they call the ‘death moan.’ We assessed him, checked over the brief charting that was there from the night before. I took his temperature – 34.7 I wasn’t sure that the thermometer was accurate but he did indeed feel cold. His hands and feet were so cold and his perfusion was terrible. As I have been learning about malnutrition I have learned that hypothermia is a common side affect and something that needs to be watched for. Hypothermia will cause their little bodies so slowly shut down. We did our best to warm this little man up – a held him close, we put warmed blankets on him, all to no prevail. Within the hour we were up at ‘The Surgery’ – the best clinic/hospital in the area – the public hospitals here are death traps…literally. On the way to the Surgery Baby was having frequent apniec episodes needing much reminding/stimulation to breath. I held him closely the whole way to the Surgery - his level of consciousness wasn’t great but every once and awhile he would turn his big brown eyes and look at me as I was talking to him and praying for him. By the time we got to the Surgery Baby was tiring out. Besides being malnurshed he also was fighting TB and he had no reserve left in him to fight…he look his last breath on his own just as I was steps away from the clinic bed. We worked on him for over 30 min. but he was already gone. He died peacefully – we worked on him to try to bring him back, but really why would you want to stay in this world when you can see Jesus waiting with open arms for you!

I cleaned his little body up, swaddled him and we left the surgery just the same way as we had come in, just with this time with one less soul with us. I held his little body the entire way back to the babies home. Life and death – so real here. To have driven to the clinic with a little boy fighting every breath he took to the most peaceful looking little boy on the way home. I couldn’t help but think that this little malnourished man is now with Jesus, probably chubby as can be!

The staff and nannies were able to say good-bye once we arrived at the home. Death is so much apart of life here, but that doesn’t mean that it is easy… I bathed his little body, put a new sleeper and hat on him and wrapped him tightly again. Just his body is left and he is in such a better place.

What an honor it is to nurse. What an honor to be able to hold a little boy as the King of Kings decides that now is his time to come to Him. This little boy was abandoned and mistreated, I am so happy that God saw fit to bless him with his final month full of people that cared for him and loved him.

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be apart of this little man’s life even if for a short time. Thank you for allowing me to hold him as he died – I thank you that we have hope in you through your Son.

1 comment:

Laura J said...

you are lovelier than ever. it is such a privilege to be with people when they die. not something many get to do and it changes us each time it happens. I am very proud that you take such joy in being a nurse. It truly is special. I always knew you are one the amazing ones!!