Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter in Seattle

Matt. and I went on a little holiday last weekend. We left Thursday after work and spent time with good friends in the lower mainland...treasured friends!
Friday we traveled down to Seattle to spend the weekend with Thomas and Ruthie! To get to Seattle however you have to cross the border...on a long weekend...We drove 5.7km in 5 hours!!!

It was a beautiful afternoon though so we would drive - park - play outside!

Sat. we went hiking at Little Si in North Bend, WA. It was a beautiful day for a hike with great company. On the way home we stopped at Snoqualmie Falls.
Saturday night we had an Easter feast - thanks to the hospitality of Ruthie! We also enjoyed our Easter treats compliments of a special Easter care package from Steve and Correna.
Sunday morning we went to church, before church we went for a little walk in the park and saw little turtles.
We headed home after church on Sunday. We stopped for a little travel break at Bridal Veil Falls in Abbotsford.
What a GREAT weekend!

"He arose, He arose, hallelujah Christ arose!"

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