Saturday, August 10, 2019

July Phone Drop

July was a wonderfully full month - here are some of our pictures from the month...

Canada Day Celebrations

July is blueberry season in Abby and we fill our freezer!

Evy Mae is excited to finally be forward facing in the van!

Daddy/Daughter Date

ROAR VBS at church (the boys attended and Matt was a crew leader)

7-11 free slurpee day!

Abbotsford Bandits game

sprinkler time!

July Date - Theatre Under the Stars in Stanley Park - Mama Mia

a little sign welcomed us home from Lloyd :)

the kids put on a play for us - full costumes included

beach day!

outdoor movie night!

Auntie Becca comes to visit

Sully/Daddy Date

Bridal Falls

Krause Berry Farms

Happy Birthday Auntie Becca!

Ice Cream Night!

Kindy Moms Night in Vancouver

We snuck in the fireworks show!