Sunday, July 28, 2019

Miss Evy Mae turns TWO!

Our baby girl turned TWO!

Evy is sweet, sassy, independent and, in her mind, can do anything her big brothers can do.  Her belly laugh is contagious and her sympathy to others is a beautiful thing.  She has strong opinions and, with that, great determination.  And we LOVE her so!

We were in Lloyd for Evy's birthday so she was able to celebrate with Grams and Gramps!
Birthday Interview

1.     Name? Evy Mae
2.     How old are you? 2
3.     Nickname? Evy, Ev, Abu, Wildflower
4.     Who is in your family? Mama, Dada, Sully, Baba and me! Pa, Gigi, Nana & Papa
5.     Favorite color? Pink!
6.     Favorite food? Hot dogs, toast, eggs, banana
7.     Favorite thing to do?  Play babies
8.     Favorite toy? Babies
9.     Favorite book? Changes weekly
10. Favorite TV show or movie? Nail clipping You Tube Disney music videos
11. Favorite song? VBS song
12. Favorite animal? Too hard to decide 
13. Best Friend? Abby
14. What do you take to bed with you at night? Baby, bear, flamingo, giraffe and sleep sack
15. What do you want to be when you grow up?  Baby Nurse
16.  What makes you happy? Snacks, family, books, babies, your people, beach
17. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family?  Be together
18. Favorite Birthday present? Clothes, Bike Helmet & New Sleep sack
19.  What did you do today? Celebrated in Lloydminster – had a pancake breakfast and cupcakes for dessert!
20. What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the past year? learned to: walk, talk, go on the potty, walk down stairs, do puzzles, throw a ball, drink from a cup & use utensils

Happy 2nd Birthday Evy Mae!


We spent last week in Lloydminster visiting Grams and Gramps!

They fed us WELL!

And took us on many fun adventures around town!

We also spent a lot of time at home - playing downstairs and in their beautiful backyard!

We were so happy that Uncle Dan and Auntie Hailey could make it up for the weekend!

While we were all together we wanted to celebrate Mom's new job and their big upcoming move to Saskatoon.   We brunched together and then had a tiny photo shoot!

With Matt's parents moving, Matt and I decided to do a little farewell tour of the city...

Summer is a lovely time to visit Lloyd.  The grass was lush and green and the canola fields in FULL bloom!!!
Thanks for taking such good care of us Grams and Gramps!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Mahood Lake 2019

We spent last week at Mahood Lake.  We have travelled with the Walls ever since we had babies (7 summers) and Mahood Lake has become once of the most anticipated weeks of our year!   

We stopped for lunch in the middle of no wear and the setting and food were both AMAZING!  We ate on that little patio overlooking the cutest little lake full of turtles, lily pads and dragon flies.

I had a blueberry, bacon grilled cheese that was phenomenal!

The day we arrived was the only day with sunshine in the forecast so we got right out on the water!

The weather was so delightful the first night we had supper down on the dock

and finished the evening with a little fish.

The rest of our stay was a mix between cozy cabin times, lots of fishing, playing outside between the breaks of rain (it was warm rain most of the time) and of course great fellowship!

SO much fishing...

Cozy Cabin Times...

And of course a little outside fun :)

Love these sweet littles!  Can't wait till next year!