Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Phone Dump

January seemed to be a long month - here are a few pictures from our days...

Miss Evy Mae started solids

I did some organizing and purging and in the process found a few gems that I had forgotten about - Auntie Becca brought these PJ's back form China - Branson thinks they are the best!

January date night - take out and big picture planning :)  (this is what happens when 2 Type A personalities get married)

Sully got to go skating with his school 

rainy days inside drive you to find new hobbies...welcome to the world of filters :)

the biggest and the littlest snugging!

Matt was in Ottawa for meetings - we took this picture during our evening walk to send to him

he sent this one back

all three playing together 

checking out a new coffee shop in Mission 

one morning when Sully was at school, Evy was napping and I was getting stuff done around the house, Branson decided he needed to get some "homework" done :)

Evy Mae's 1/2 a year old!

Evy (6 months), Abby & Declan (3 months)

What it would look like if I had twins :)

someone is pretty proud of her new sitting skills

Branson in his football gear

as much as I hate waking Evy up for school pick up, the smiles are sure nice! I am NOT this happy if you wake me up from my nap prematurely!

sneaking in a ride, during a brief hiatus of rain!

and we are ending the month with two sick kids :(

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Branson's 3rd Birthday

This cute boy turned THREE last week!  Branson had been anticipating his birthday ever since the calendar turned to January.  For all of his excitement, though, he had wonderfully low expectations for what he actually wanted to do for his birthday, which made him so fun to celebrate!

Branson's Birthday Interview

1. Name? Branson Morgan Kaminski
2. How old are you? 3!
3. Nickname? BransyPants, BransyBear
4. Who is in your family? "you guys, Sarah, Matt, Sully, Evy Mae"
5. Favorite color? blue
6. Favorite food? bacon and cheese
7. Favorite thing to do?  play trucks, play band, music, riding my bike
8. Favorite toy? my coffee maker 
9. Favorite book? "If You Give a Moose Muffin"
10. Favorite TV show or movie? Paw Patrol
11. Favorite song? "My Lighthouse" by Rend Collective
12. Favorite animal? giraffe
13. Best Friends? Londy & Kenna
14. What do you take to bed with you at night? my stuffies - 2 lions & 1 racoon
15. What do you want to be when you grow up? a fireman with a firetruck 
16. What makes you happy? Sully sharing, coloring
17. Whats your favorite thing to do with your family? PLAYING!
18. Favorite Birthday present? coffee maker & drum set
19. What did you do today? had a pancake breakfast, opened presents, went to the trampoline park, napped, had hotdogs and cupcakes with Gramps, Wiens & Walls
20. What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the past year? I use the toilet, dress myself, sleep in a big boy bed, learned to count 1-14, learned to do the top buckle on carseat, learned to ride the strider bike, was a sheep in church Christmas play.

Birthday Breakfast (Branson has had the same birthday decor for all three of his birthdays...and he still loves it - WIN!)

tradition in our house - Birthday pancake!

presents - he was pretty excited!

snuggles with Gramps - who SURPRISED Branson with a visit for his birthday weekend!

the boys spent the morning at the trampoline park, at the request of the birthday boy

and then after naps it was PARTY TIME!!!  here's Branson with his two favorite ladies :)

Branson chose the menu - hot dogs,  juice boxes and... 

cupcakes for dessert!

and after dinner - more presents!

Branson got his very first drum set 

which led to a pretty serious band being formed in our basement

matching Saskatchewan gear :)

the party crew - thankful for all these faces - they love our Branson so well!

What fun we had celebrating our Branson! Happy 3rd Birthday Bransy Bear!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Miss Everly Mae - 6 months!

Weight - 15lbs

Height - 25 inches

Feeding - You are still breastfeeding well, 5-8 times a day, but the big news is that you started solids about a week ago!!!  We started with just one meal a day, you make a lot of funny faces, but you keep coming back for more.

Sleeping - All of our traveling over the past month has made for some interesting sleeps (like feeding, every three hours, all night long).  You are a pretty good little napper.  You take between 2-3 during the day, depending on length and quality of them.  You go to bed between 6:30-8pm depending on your naps and sleep for twelve hours, but still feed twice, almost every night.  I can't wait for the day that you only need to feed once - here's to your 6th month!

Milestones - You have starting eating solid foods.   You counitue to confidently roll from your front to back and are trying really really hard to roll from your back to your front, but are still getting stuck halfway through your roll.  You love to stand and "jump."  You are very good at grabbing things and bringing them to your mouth.  You have two perfect little teeth.  You have started to scoot and can move backwards quite far if you want.  You love to "talk" and have the greatest belly laugh!

Likes - your family, scrunchy toys, being tickled, standing

Dislikes - being hungry or tired

Fun Times - You had an exciting month!  You went on two plane rides, travelled to Alberta and Saskatchewan, and celebrated your first Christmas and New Year's!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

New Years in Lloyd!

After Christmas in the Dids, we travelled north to spend New Year's in Lloyd with the Kaminski side of the family.

it was a quiet ride up to Lloyd.

our first night in Lloyd the boys made traditional Christmas tree meatloaf

the finished product

the next morning we opened Christmas presents

a fun gift from Grams and Gramps - personalized sweatshirts!

lego with Auntie Hailey

it was cold in Lloyd, but we still made it outside a few times

Branson "skating"

the Kaminski family x3!

and then it was New Year's!

it was so nice to be together!

Grams and Gramps with all their grandkids!