6 months - 19lbs - 26 inches
Feeding - You continue to breastfeed 5-6 times a day and remain to be a good little eater, although the older you get the more distracted you get while feeding. A few days ago we started you on "solid" food! You have been ready for awhile and were pretty excited to eat like a big boy. So far you have tried rice cereal and bananas - once you got use to the texture you loved it!
Sleeping - You are napping really well with 2-3 naps a day depending on the length and time of them. Your nighttime sleep has regressed over the past month. We have had some rough nights. I don't know if it's because of all our traveling, the heat, teething, sickness etc but I'm hoping it ends soon and you figure out how to sleep through the night :)
Milestones - You are rolling and shimming all over the place. You have occasionally got up on your knee and rocked back and forth. You have no trouble getting where you need to be. You are getting stronger at sitting up and love to be upright whenever possible - you spend a lot of time in your exersauser and jolly jumper. You have also cut your first little tooth! Your front, bottom, left tooth is poking through!
Likes - water, exersaucer, crinckly toys, Sully
Dislikes - being too hot, sickness, being hungry
Funtimes - Your celebrated your first Canada Day complete with a fireworks show that you slept through. You went on your first airplane ride to the prairies to visit the Kaminski side of the family. You were a pretty great little traveler! While we were in Lloyd we formally dedicated you to the Lord surrounded by your extended family - it was a special time!
Happy 1/2 birthday little man - we LOVE you!