Sunday, September 29, 2013

Guest Lecturer

Matt was a guest lecturer in CBC's leadership class this past week.  One of Matt's coworkers is a friend of ours and took this picture...
So fun!  Something tells me that no students were sleeping through this lecture!

Friday, September 27, 2013


Just some goings on from the past few weeks...

our sweet baby girl Meg turned 4!!!  We celebrated her and the precious gift of life that she has been given - we miss her and love her so much even though we live so very far apart!

I made jam - for the first time - it was DELICIOUS!!!  I have been wanting to do this for awhile now and finally just decided now is the time.  Sully and I made the jam from strawberries that we had picked earlier this summer and froze.

A good friend of mine had her very cute little baby boy!!!  This has been a much anticipated, prayed for baby and it was so fun to get to meet him and hear about his fast and furious entrance into the world.  His mama is a hero!!!  

home renovations continue at our house - the kitchen is very close to being done - pictures to come soon!

 this guy has learned how to pull himself up into a standing position and as with all newly learned skills he practices it all day long :)

Matt hosted the alumni tournament this past weekend at CBC - he even played in it this year.  Sully and I stayed long enough to see one set before leaving to head to bed - Matt played well - he's still got it!

and finally....look who has graduated into a big boy carseat?!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spa Night

It has become some what of a tradition that when someone is pregnant at work that we throw a little pampering party for the soon to be mama's - a little feet soak, rub and polish go a long way when you are feeling very pregnant :)

from L to R - Michelle (38 weeks), Steph (32 weeks) & Trina (mama to a 6 week old)

two little people...still cooking a little while longer

the feet rubbers

we also did a little wax hand fun

I so appreciate these women - what fun to get together for some Monday night FUN!

Athletes Retreat

September is a crazy busy month for Matt!  With the school year commencing, his teams starting up, Athletes Retreat & Alumni Weekend he is constantly on the go.  

Here is a picture from his Athletes Retreat a few weeks ago - he had a great time and is so excited about his fantastic group of athletes!

Slurpee Run

I left the boys alone on Saturday morning while I was in Vancouver. 

It was game day so they dressed in their Roughrider gear.

Matt's dad use to take him on slurpee runs growing up and Matt has now passed the tradition on.  Sully and Matt went on their first slurpee run Saturday morning.  They hiked up a large mountain to our closest 7-11 to enjoy their treat.

 I'm sure Sully can't wait till his old enough to have his own sugar filled drink :)

The Color Run

This past Saturday friends and I ran a little 5k while people threw color bombs at us...doesn't that sound like fun?!  It is advertised as the happiest 5k on earth and I have to say there is something that makes you scream with joy as you run through the color :)

Early Saturday morning - getting amped up!

us pre color bombs - looking happy, white & crisp (thanks to Amber for the great outfits!)

let the race begin - every km there was a different color to run through

I was waving my hand like I just didn't care :)

 our tats

 post race

one last color bomb explosion - what a fun way to exercise!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Master Sullivan - 10 months

Well our little man continues to grow - he currently weighs 21.4 lbs and is 29 inches long - his weight has plateaued, but his height continues to increase - he must be his father's son!  This week he will graduate into a big boy car seat!  It takes a lot of food to feed this growing boy - Sully is enjoying more and more different types of food and enjoys the independence of feeding himself.  No more baby mush he wants real solid foods - just cut into tiny little pieces for his eating pleasure! 

Sully is sleeping like a pro.  12 glorious hours at night and two wonderful naps in the daytime.  He doesn't even fuss before them anymore - he just gets right down to business.  He has a special little toy that he only gets at sleeping times and I think he is so happy to see it that he is good to's bliss!

One more little tooth has popped out making our grand total 7!

Sully is getting very fast at his crawling!  He follows me from room to room almost as fast as I can walk there.  He is exploring new worlds and often leaves a path of destruction behind him!  Just this past week he pulled himself up to a standing position by himself.  He has done it a couple of times since, but not on a regular basis.

Sully really is a joy to us!  He has such a good little personality!  He plays very well on his own and is fun to watch as he discovers new things.  He will often be playing chatting away and laughing at himself or squealing with delight at something he has done!  He "dances" when music is played and claps when he does something well - it's the best!

Sully's past month was filled was much fun, excitement and new adventures - going to the Abbotsford Airshow - traveling on a roadtrip down to his Auntie Becca's in Oregon - seeing Auntie Becca, Uncle Nathan and Nana & Papa - going on an overnight trip to the Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast - having a quick visit with his Ashton, Natelle and Auntie Jan & Uncle Gord on their roadtrip home from Seattle - hiking The Chief - a fun visit from the Parkinson family - visiting the Vancouver Aquarium - playing in his first splash park and attending his friend Charlie's first birthday at the lake - what a full month!

And now some pictures for your viewing pleasure - for September we decided on a little back to school photo shoot!

Can't handle his cuteness!!  Love this little guy!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sweet Baby Boy!

Our NICU family has expanded once more - Trina had a sweet baby boy named Gavin - we were able to "shower" her last night with lovin and get some lovely baby cuddles out of the deal!

opening gifts

 so many capable caregivers when we all get together - such a treat!

 a baby and 2 cute bellies 

the main attraction 

we all got our cuddles on!

the crew

we tuckered Gavin right out - he was so well behaved all night!