Friday, December 21, 2012

Abbotsford Family Christmas

December 20th was our family Christmas celebration in Abbotsford before we head to the prairies.

Thursday morning...Sully was pondering what were in the gifts!

Sully's first ornament - made with love by a dear friend!

Swiss Chalet was kind enough to supply a Christmas dinner to us - it was such a treat!

Sully sporting his Baby's 1st Christmas pj's :)  (thanks Auntie!)

Gift time!

even Sully did a little shopping!

more on this gift later...

good things always come in little packages!

my very first pair of pearls!!!

Matt reading the Christmas story

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  Blessings to you all as you celebrate the birth of our Savior - oh come let us ADORE Him - Christ the Lord!

Santa's Little Helper!

Someone was a bit upset about having to be the "little helper"...always the elf never the Clause!

Twinkle Tour 2012

Matt and I have gone on a twinkle tour every year that we have been married.  We stop for hot drinks, crank the Christmas music and drive around looking at people's house decor - Abbotsford has some pretty beautiful/over the top houses!

Sully was really excited - you just can't tell in the picture :)

Hot drinks for everyone!

He Laughs!

He laughs and it could be the cutest thing you have ever seen (I'm not biased at all!)

First Snowfall

On Tuesday we had our first big snow fall in Abbotsford - had to get a picture!

Play Date

Sully and I had a little play date with friends last week - we tried to get a picture with all the kids together...enjoy the process:)

Four kids 14 months and under - what fun!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

NICU Shower Love!

I work with the BEST people!!!  Last week the ladies of the NICU showered Sullivan and I with love! It was so fun to introduce Sully to all of his NICU Auntie's!

Can you guess what the theme of the party was?!
"hello little man"
there was a bow tie made for everyone in attendance to wear

bow tie cookies
food table - aren't those giant pom poms great?!
beautiful stats sign that is now hanging in Sully's room!
even the punch was pinteresting!!! (the straws were so festive!)
we played a game
and then came the presents...
and these Auntie's know how to give - wow - we were blessed!
a gift from my unit - a high chair for Sully!

isn't this home made card great? - we were given money to put towards a baby hiking backpack!
baby Toms!!!

and the guest list...
The Boys...Sullivan (3 weeks), Weston (2 months) & Chase (4 months)
Tanya - so happy she could come briefly before nightshift!
Trina, Kristy & Jess - came after a very busy dayshift in the NICU
and everyone else - LOVE these ladies!!!
Ev & Michelle - such special friends who also happen to be my coworkers - they were the party planners/hostess' - they know how to make a girl feel loved!

From a post a couple of weeks ago...
 "I get asked a lot about my friendships--how we make it work, how we've built intimate relationships with each other and kept them. It's simple. You show up. And the big things in life like having babies? You celebrate. You let your friends know that you are well aware that moment of falling desperately in love with a child they've carried for nine months deserves one hullabaloo."

this shower was one big HULLABALOO!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Master Sullivan - 1 month

Sully is 1 month old today!

He brings us so much laughter and joy!

Sully is becoming more and more interactive - he ooohs and aaahs - he is just starting to smile with a purpose - he can follow objects for a short distance - he enjoys tummy time - he can lift his head up for brief moments - he is an excellent feeder and enjoys it every three hours around the clock - he is growing like crazy!