As a graduation celebration we decided to partake in our first cruise (it is another item off our bucket list). We cruised with Carnival and travelled to 4 different destinations in the Western Caribbean.
Here is our ship - the Carnival Legend.

Inside the main lounge area

before our dinner the first night

our dinner the second night - a little more formal

love the animal towels that awaited us every night

Matt in Mexico


in the show lounge before the evening spectacular

this is your typical cruise photo:)

the water was sooo blue in Belize!

Roatan, Honduras - the best snorkeling we have ever done!


Matt getting attacked by a giant lobster:)

a typical lunch for Matt at the buffet - he happily gained some weight on this trip:)

Roatan is BEAUTIFUL!

lounging on the boat

Cinco De Mayo night

in the restuarant

back on the balcony for another pre-dinner evening picture

the dinosuar


Matt floating in the most beautiful water you have ever seen!

we LOVED the Grand Cayman!

happy happy!

Matt got me a new sun hat:)

our last day on the ship

on our last evening, on the ship, before dinner we were watching the sunset and all of a sudden a pod of dolphins began to jump beside our boat - it was a magical moment - almost felt like we were in a movie (sorry - no pics of the dolphins - you will have to take my word for it!)

our dinner friends for the week - honeymooners from Florida

our waiters for the week - they were GREAT!

we had a day a couple of hours after our cruise in Tampa before our plane took off - we decided to visit the aquarium

Matt playing with some with the starfish

we loved our time away - we had a great time relaxing and spending time together!