This past weekend we took Dan on a little road-trip to Seattle.
Our first stop - Ed & Aileen's Dairy...

the best and cheapest ice cream in the state!

Stop #2 - Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

it was a rainy, making the fields very muddy, but none the less beautiful!

Matt and Dan loving the flowers;)


So many vibrant colored tulips

Stop #3 - this stop was for Dan - the Harley Davidson store

Stop #4 - BJ's - our favorite pizza place!

On Saturday we headed down to the famous Pike's Public Market

Fresh Fruit

the cutest little yellow cherry tomatoes

more tulips!

so many beautiful, fresh cut flowers for sale

Dano and me outside the first ever Starbucks - we wanted a drink but so did about 50 other people!

the boys - if you look closely you can see Safeco and Quest Field

Window shopping in downtown Seattle...this chair was soooo comfy!

Experiential Music Project museum

there was also a Sci-Fi portion of the EMP building - they had a Battle Star Galatica exhibit...didn't do a lot for me, but to some it was a big deal - give me a Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman exhibit and I would go crazy!!!

more of the EMP Museum - a display of 600 guitars!

The Space Needle

There was a lot of walking, eating and outlet shopping in there too - just didn't take any pictures of those events, but know that they were enjoyable!