On March 8-12 we, the CBC men's volleyball team, made our way to Sherbrooke, Quebec to compete in the 2011 CCAA National Championship. We came into the tournament as the #6 seed, but also as a team with a goal - to win a national championship. In the quarter-finals we faced the home team, the Sherbrooke Volontaires, the #3 seed, and beat them in 3 straight sets. Next up, in the semi-finals, was the Briercrest Clippers, the #2 seed and a team that we had wanted to play all year. While the game was a tight one, we came out victorious 3 sets to 2. And just like that, we found ourselves heading to the national championship final only to face the UBCO Heat, the #1 seed; a team whom we had yet to beat (0-3). It was a provincial final re-match. It was a great match, with big hits, big blocks, and high scores. And after a 3 game sweep we, Columbia Bible College, were national champions! What a great end to a great season. I am so proud of my team!
The boys clean up nice. All dressed up for the All-Canadian Banquet.

CCAA National Championship trophy:)

Number one!

Thanking Jesus

What a pleasure to win a national championship with Dan. How many brothers get to do that?

Phil and Rocky (coaches) with the our new banner. It looks very nice hanging up in our gym.

The Saskatchewan connection. Go Riders...I mean Bearcats.


This one speaks for itself:)

Bringing home the trophy to a surprise party. What great supporters we have.

Easton knows. Number one!

The trophies. So proud of both!
Team Spirit ------------- Championship