Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cake Pops!

I had a 'happy adoption' shower to attend Monday night and thought that I would attempt Bakerella's ( famous Cake Pops!

Here are the ingredients...
Step #1 - Bake a cake
Step #2 - crumble the cake and add icing - stir together and make into small balls and refrigerate (sorry no pics of the ball making - my hands were covered in cake)
Step #3 - melt chocoalte and dip lollipop sticks into chocolate and make into cake balls
Step #4, 5 & 6 - dip cake pop into chocolate and place into syrofoam piece to dry (I skipped buying the syrofoam and it was a big mistake - notice how my cake balls have flat tops!)
- I sprinkled milk chocolate over white chocolate - you could also add sprinkles, nuts etc
- cover cake pop with little bag and tie with ribbon
There you have it - the completed cake pops ready to go!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!

One year ago today a beautiful baby girl was born in a run down hospital in Uganda. Today Meg turns 1 and we are celebrating in Canada!!! Over the past year we have fallen head over heels in love with her! Meg is full of such joy and happiness, she is a fighter and has shown so much strength over the past year! We can't wait to see what God has in store for her life! Blessings to you today Meg - we hope you are celebrated! Know that your Auntie and Uncle in Canada love you VERY MUCH!!!

Here is a little trip down memory lane for you all...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mennonite Country

Last Sat Matt and I along with Dano, Chad and Alysse headed to the annual, much anticipated, MCC (Mennonite central committee) sale! Things were fairly picked over - we heard the sale was quite busy the night before, but it was still a fun time!
They were auctioning off some beautiful quilts!!! I love a good auction - makes me want to bid on things!
The highlight of the sale was the 'food court.' They had food from all over the world. (see pic below - we didn't eat any of it - we thought it was too soon!)
RollKuchen and Watermelon
Here is a good menno enjoying some rollkuchen!
Dano eating up some hand made perogies and farmers suasage!
mmmm mmmm good!


After my last night shift I opened my door to get into the jeep and this was sitting on my seat. I thought I had accidently, somehow, got into the wrong vehicle...but noooo - it was my vehicle and my husband had picked up this little number for me and secretly placed it in my vehicle that night while I was working - what a treat! I don't know if you can see it but there is also a Wendy's napkin that says 'Love You!'

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dano is all moved in!

Dan has moved out to BC for the school year to take a few classes at CBC and play volleyball. Here are some pics for mom & dad K so they can see Dano's new place!

His little home is tiny, but perfect size for one person. The pic below shows the entire house except the bedroom (which is located to the right of the fridge) and the bathroom (which is directly to the right of where I am standing in this pic) - I am standing in the entrance way of the house.
A bachelor's fridge:)
We are so excited that Dan will be out here this year!!!


How handsome are these two in their shirt and ties?!
Here is a brief look into our 5-10 years from now:)
Ezra and Correna in front of the Parliment Building.
The Fairmont Emperess Hotel.
Correna and I.

Darcy & Mike - 04.09.10

Darcy was married last Sat in Victoria. It was a perfect day for a wedding, sunny and beautiful but not too hot! We were so blessed to be able to share in Darcy's day - we are excited for both her and Mike - they have found the one 'who their soul loves!'

Caleb and Noah were very good ring bearers and so cute too!
How cute is Noah?!
Darcy looked so calm and so happy!!
There were skylights in the church and the sun shone on them during the entire ceremony.
Making things legal.
The kiss.
Great shoes!!!
Darcy with her beautiful Mom!
The newlyweds!
We have many pictures that look like this over the years - love that we can add this one - of Darcy's special day - to our collection!
Congrats Darcy & Mike - we are excited for you both!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Ferry

Our trip to Victoria was Ezra's first time on a ferry!

Fun with Aunty & Uncle

It was so fun to see Ezra again and see how much he has grown and changed in the past four months! We are sad that we are missing his big birthday party today!

Sweet Chilliwack Corn