Well we are OFF! It has been a busy, but a good month and now we are READY to go!
We finished work on Tuesday - Matt is happy he will not have to mow anything for at least eight months!
We handed the Mazda in yesterday - it was a sad day for me saying good-bye to my first car. Many good memories in that car!
We were so blessed by people's giving. We were able to purchase donations to take over to Uganda with us. Matt is bringing beach volleyball's for the kids - I'm sure they will all be pros by the time we leave.
I made sure that we took an adequate amount of babies clothes for the babies I will be working with. We are taking just over 75 outfits - including preemie clothes!
All packed and ready to go!
And so with no house, car, cel phone:), or set of keys we are off. We do however have one full 5x10 storage locker, 5 suitcases, and a desire to love on and serve the people of Uganda. Thank you to all of you that have prayed for us, sponsored us, and encouraged us thus far. We will do our very best to update this blog as regularly as possible. Be blessed!